Tutorially vs Yo!Coach
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Tutorially is a cloud-based lesson management solution that helps private tuition businesses & schools manage classes and streamline administrative processes. Educators can create personalized profiles using built-in templates and sell tutoring services through the platform.
Tutorially is a cloud-based lesson management solution that helps private tuition businesses & schools manage classes and streamline administrative...
- Cloud-based
- On-premises
Support Options
- Email/Help Desk
- FAQs/Forum
- Knowledge Base
- Phone Support
- 24/7 (Live rep)
- Chat
Yo!Coach is a white-label and fully customizable solution to build online tutoring, consultation and course based platform. The solution is pre-integrated with video conferencing and payment APIs. The user-friendly admin panel allows to seamlessly manage operations of the platform.
Yo!Coach is a white-label and fully customizable solution to build online tutoring, consultation and course based platform. The solution is pre-integr...
- Cloud-based
- On-premises
Support Options
- Email/Help Desk
- FAQs/Forum
- Knowledge Base
- Phone Support
- 24/7 (Live rep)
- Chat
Starting from
GBP 10.00/month
- Free Version
- Free Trial
- Subscription
Starting from
Not provided by vendor
- Free Version
- Free Trial
- Subscription
Ease of Use
5/ 5Features
4.5/ 5Customer Service
4.5/ 5Value for Money
4.5/ 5Ease of Use
4.3/ 5Features
4.5/ 5Customer Service
4.7/ 5Value for Money
4.5/ 5Features
Total features 26
- Activity Dashboard
- Alerts/Notifications
- Appointment Management
- Appointment Scheduling
- Attendance Management
- Attendance Tracking
- Automated Scheduling
- Automatic Grading
- Availability Management
- Billing & Invoicing
- Booking Management
- Calendar Management
- Calendar Sync
- Class Scheduling
- Client Management
- Communication Management
- Credit Card Processing
- Customer Database
- Customisable Branding
- Customizable Templates
- Document Management
- Electronic Assignments & Tests
- Email Marketing
- Email Reminders
- Employee Management
- Event Calendar
- Event Scheduling
- Expense Tracking
- Interactive Learning
- Interactive Whiteboard
- Invoice Management
- Invoice Processing
- Learning Management
- Learning Paths/Tracks
- Lesson Notes
- Mobile Access
- Multi-Location
- Multi-Period Recurring Billing
- Multiple User Accounts
- Online Classes
- Online Payments
- Parent/Student Portal
- Process/Workflow Automation
- Progress Reports
- Progress Tracking
- Recurring Appointments
- Reminders
- Reporting/Analytics
- SMS Messaging
- SMS Reminders
- Scheduling
- Secure Data Storage
- Self Service Portal
- Third-Party Integrations
- Transaction History
- Website Integration
Total features 56
- Activity Dashboard
- Alerts/Notifications
- Appointment Management
- Appointment Scheduling
- Attendance Management
- Attendance Tracking
- Automated Scheduling
- Automatic Grading
- Availability Management
- Billing & Invoicing
- Booking Management
- Calendar Management
- Calendar Sync
- Class Scheduling
- Client Management
- Communication Management
- Credit Card Processing
- Customer Database
- Customisable Branding
- Customizable Templates
- Document Management
- Electronic Assignments & Tests
- Email Marketing
- Email Reminders
- Employee Management
- Event Calendar
- Event Scheduling
- Expense Tracking
- Interactive Learning
- Interactive Whiteboard
- Invoice Management
- Invoice Processing
- Learning Management
- Learning Paths/Tracks
- Lesson Notes
- Mobile Access
- Multi-Location
- Multi-Period Recurring Billing
- Multiple User Accounts
- Online Classes
- Online Payments
- Parent/Student Portal
- Process/Workflow Automation
- Progress Reports
- Progress Tracking
- Recurring Appointments
- Reminders
- Reporting/Analytics
- SMS Messaging
- SMS Reminders
- Scheduling
- Secure Data Storage
- Self Service Portal
- Third-Party Integrations
- Transaction History
- Website Integration
- AtomChat
- Google Analytics 360
- Google Calendar
- Lessonspace
- Mailchimp
- PayGate
- PayPal
- Paystack
- Stripe
- VdoCipher
- Zoom Workplace
- authorize.net
- AtomChat
- Google Analytics 360
- Google Calendar
- Lessonspace
- Mailchimp
- PayGate
- PayPal
- Paystack
- Stripe
- VdoCipher
- Zoom Workplace
- authorize.net