About Tutorially
Tutorially is a cloud-based lesson management solution that helps private tuition businesses and schools manage classes and streamline administrative processes. Educators can create personalized profiles using built-in templates and sell tutoring services through the platform. Plus, it enables teachers to conduct virtual classes for students as per individual requirements.
Tutorially allows professionals to create new lessons by including details such as date & time, and mark classes as ‘upcoming’, ‘completed’ or ‘cancelled’ in the event calendar. Users can sort the calendar by daily, weekly or monthly view and students can request for schedule changes based on their individual timetables. The solution also lets managers filter payment history by date range and access information such as student name, lessons, and payment method.
Tutorially comes with an administrative dashboard, which enables businesses to view outstanding payments and automatically generate invoices for paid lessons. Teachers can track students’ progress and resolve any lesson-related queries via messaging. Tutorially also helps institutions calculate taxes and notify students about confirmation of lessons, payments, and other updates via email.
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Software buyers need your help! Product reviews help the rest of us make great decisions.
- Used Daily for 1-5 months
Review Source
Overall rating
- Value for Money
- Ease of Use
- Customer Support
Fantastic Tuition Software!
Reviewed on 02/04/2018
I love the simple user interface and the fact everything I need to run my business is right at my fingertips. I used to spend loads of time on admin around my lessons, but now with a few clicks, it's all done. Lessons get organised easily, and prospective students can find me via my online profile which helps connect me with new learners.
The automated reminders have helped reduce lost income since I have had a few students who were a little unreliable over the years, certainly saving me more than the subscription costs as well as doing loads of the work for me!
No cons really - the software does everything I need it to do. They actively seek user feedback, and I have asked for a whiteboard function which I have been told is in the works. It doesn't feel like anything is missing, but when asked if something can be made better... I guess it always can be.
- Industry: Education Management
- Company size: 11–50 Employees
- Used Weekly for 1-5 months
Review Source
Overall rating
- Value for Money
- Ease of Use
- Customer Support
- Likelihood to recommend 8.0 /10
Extremly helpful for Teachers
Reviewed on 09/01/2023
The software fulfils all of my requirements. They aggressively look for user comments
The software fulfils all of my requirements. They aggressively look for user comments
I appreciate how easy it is to utilise and how close everything is that I require to manage my business. The administrative work I used to undertake around my lectures used to take a lot of time is now completed with a few clicks. Lessons are readily organised, and potential students can locate me online, which helps me establish connections with new pupils. Since I've had a few students who were a little erratic throughout the years, the automated reminders have helped me avoid losing money and have done a lot of the work for me, saving me far more than the subscription fees!
No Cons. It is very helpful and handy. I am very satisfied.
Tutorially FAQs
Below are some frequently asked questions for Tutorially.Q. What type of pricing plans does Tutorially offer?
Tutorially offers the following pricing plans:
- Starting from: GBP 10.00/month
- Pricing model: Free Version, Subscription
- Free Trial: Available
Tutorially's plans start for free, after which the software is available across 3 pricing tiers, as outlined below: Free for up to 5 students. Standard - up to 25 students: £10 per month. Premium - unlimited students: £15 per month. School - unlimited students plus support for multiple tutors: £20 per month.
Q. Who are the typical users of Tutorially?
Tutorially has the following typical customers:
Self Employed, 2–10, 11–50, 51–200, 201–500, 501–1,000, 1,001–5,000
Q. What languages does Tutorially support?
Tutorially supports the following languages:
Q. Does Tutorially support mobile devices?
Tutorially supports the following devices:
Q. What other apps does Tutorially integrate with?
Tutorially integrates with the following applications:
Google Calendar, PayPal, Stripe
Q. What level of support does Tutorially offer?
Tutorially offers the following support options:
Email/Help Desk, FAQs/Forum, Phone Support, 24/7 (Live rep), Chat
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